Anti Mosquito Repellent Sound


Description of App

Anti mosquito is an app, which is completely free and which aims to help you to fight against annoying mosquitoes with low frequency sounds and with different tips and tricks, which will be helpful.
Important! It has not been scientifically proven that low frequency sounds can help to repel mosquitoes. For this reason, this app should be considered as a joke app.

How do I use the app anti mosquito repellent?
We have done everything possible to simplify and make the app as user-friendly as possible, so that everyone can use it.
1.- The first step is to download and open the anti mosquito app.
2.- Once it is running you can find 2 sections on the main screen.
3.- The first one allows you to access the tool, which plays sounds or low frequency ultrasounds. Therein you can choose the mosquito sound frequency you like and once you have selected it, you will have to push the button Turn on. When you want to stop playing the mosquito killer sound you just have to push the button again to turn it off.
4.- The second one is a collection of tips and tricks, which will scare mosquitoes. Therein you will find different remedies and techniques, which will hopefully help you to repel the mosquitoes.

Main characteristics of the mosquito repellent app:
- We have prepared a sender of low frequency with the aim to try to repel mosquitoes. The sounds you can choose will have frequencies 8kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz, 14kHz, 15kHz and some more up to 21 and 22kHz, so that you have different frequencies you can try out. Those sounds are also commonly known as ā€œanti mosquito soundsā€, however, as we have indicated, their effectiveness isn't scientifically proven. Therefore we should consider it as a joke tool.
- We have also created a great help section where we will give you some advice and tips on how to kill mosquitoes, mosquito bites, mosquito traps, homemade bug repellents or natural insect repellents and different remedies, which will explain you how to scare mosquitoes.

We would like to expand the best mosquito repellent app with new sections and more information, like information about the different types of mosquitoes that exist (tiger mosquito, normal mosquito, anopheles, etc), possible diseases that could be transmitted, etc. For this reason, we look forward to your help, so if you liked our mosquito control app, a positive review will help us to keep improving and updating the app.
Information note: The tool, which generates low frequency sounds, should be considered as a joke app, due to the fact that its effectiveness hasn't been scientifically proven.
The whole content has been exclusively created for ā€œTakailo Appsā€. Therefore the commercial use of any kind of content, which can be found in this program, without previous authorization is prohibited.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app seems to be pretty accessible. I have found some very minor issues, when using the tool, I'll list them below:
On the main screen, you'll find a Remove ads button, but moving downward you'll see dimmed but labeled buttons.
Next to each correctly labeled dimmed button is its icon, this is how you activate the buttons.
For example, the Use dimmed button matches with the Repellent Tool icon to the left of it. Or, the Read dimmed button applies to the Tips icon to the left of it.
To use the tool, double-tap on Repellent tool to open it.
Under the window name, you'll find a button labeled powerOff, this is Ā a toggle. However keep in mind it doesn't change to on when you double-tap on it. You can know if it's on if the button announces selected.
Also, next to the button, a label will indicate whether it's on or off.
A Settings label is here, but it's not clickable. It's just a heading.
Under it, you'll find three icons. An unlabeled button, a value in KHZ, and an icon labeled sound frequency. All 3 icons activate the same thing, however sound frequency is an attempt to label the other two icons. It brings up an alert allowing you to choose a frequency, minimum of 8KHZ, default, maximum of 20KHZ.
Be careful as to not damage your ears while adjusting the frequency level, anything past 12 is a little agitating. repell it is best to keep your volume low so that your ears don't ring.
I haven't found any other issues, but I'll update this entry if something shows itself.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Other Comments

As stated in the app's description, this app should; taken as a joke. It's not scientifically proven that this method of repelling actually works. Use it knowing that it's not highly trustworthy.
