Description of App
This app is for those who want to read german newspapers. It also exists in the US app store, that's why i post it. Here's an extract from the description (the newspapers you can read):
- Zeitungen (newspapers): Bild, Express, Hamburger Morgenpost, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Welt, Frankfurter Rundschau, Der Tagesspiegel, Handelsblatt, FinancialTimes Deutschland, Die Tageszeitung, Neues Deutschland, Junge Welt, Junge Freiheit, Aachener Zeitung, Aachener Nachrichten, Augsburger Allgemeine, General-Anzeiger (Bonn), General-Anzeiger (Reutlingen), Hamburger Abendblatt, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Lübecker Nachrichten, Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, Oberhessische Presse, Rheinische Post, Ruhr Nachrichten, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Westfälische Nachrichten, Der Stern, Focus, Der Spiegel, Münstersche Zeitung, Der Westen
-Top 100 Ranking in den TECHNOKRATI-Blogs weltweit (top 100 ranking in the technocraty Blogs world wide): The HuffingtonPost, GizModo, Mashable, Techcrunch, Engadget, Gawker, Boing Boing, The Daily Beast, Hot Air Top Picks, Read Write Web, Kotaku, Boy Genius Report, The Daily Dish, Think Progress, Life Hacker, Jezebel, Ezra Klein, Mediaite, CNNPoliticalTickers, Politics Daily, Deadline, RedState, etc....
- App Addict: MacWorld, Daring Fireball, TUAW, TheAppleBlog, TiPb, CultOfMac, App Advice, AppCraver, Apple iPhone Blog, Apple iPhone School, AppShopper, AppVee, everythingiCafe, FingerGamming, iLounge, iPhone & iPad News, iPhone App Reviews,, iPhone Buzz,, iPhonefreak,, iPhoneGizmo, Planet iPhones, Slide To Play, Top iPhone News, Touch Arcade, Web apps,, Appolicious Articles, No DPad, The APPera.
Accessibility Comments
It works fine with VO. On the Iphone 3gs VO sometimes didn't say anything but finally did again after 5 minutes. It was because of the sync. If you want to move items double tap and hold, then move then. I recomment that if you want to move the item up double tap and hold near the home button on the Screen and do it the other way round if you move it down.