CBS Radio News


Description of App

The very best radio news, anytime, anywhere has just taken a big step forward.

It’s CBS Radio News 2.0.

This app offers live-streaming breaking news as it happens, straight from the CBS newsroom. Get up-to-the-minute national and international news broadcasts every half hour, 24 hours a day. And hear the best CBS News features on money, technology, health, politics, and more.

We’re introducing our most exciting new feature - the Special Events stream. Here we will offer uninterrupted coverage of live news conferences, speeches, and other events – straight from the scene.

But that’s not all. Now, you can download podcasts from our app, so you can listen even when you aren’t connected to the internet. Tell your friends about what you are listening to on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more. See text headlines and tweets from @CBSRadioNews.


Breaking News
• An up-to-the-minute newscast from the CBS Radio newsroom, updated every half hour
• Breaking News when it happens

On Demand Listening
• Thought-provoking news and features on the stories that matter to you
• Newscasts, news pieces, features and analysis

• Latest Newscast -- All the world’s news in three minutes
• 60 Minutes -- America’s #1 news magazine show
• Face the Nation -- Bob Schieffer hosts this weekly political roundtable
• Weekend Roundup -- CBS Radio News’ 40-minute news magazine show, a comprehensive look at the week’s news
• Molly Rants -- When Molly Wood of CNET doesn’t like something in tech, she’ll tell you

Text alerts
• Opt-in for breaking news text alerts that will let you know when we’re taking air with special coverage of a breaking news event

Technical Notes
• Runs best on iPhone 4 and later units.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

AppleVis Editorial Team Note: The rating for this app had been changed to correctly reflect based on the comments. If you feel that the rating is incorrect please leave a comment so that we can change the Accessibility options for this app. Original Poster Note: The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver. Some parts of the interface, however, are a bit odd. For example, when the listen live tab is selected, in order to start the audio you need to tap the loading button. Tapping the play button doesn't do anything, but the loading button starts the audio. The on demand section (the other tab at the bottom of the screen), is very easy to use. Tap the program you want to hear, wait a few seconds for the episode list to load and then tap the name of the episode. VoiceOver reads the pause button and the standard volume control.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Other Comments

This is a terrific app! I personally use it every day to listen to the news and CBS technology stories!



By Mike Freeman on Saturday, January 12, 2013 - 09:31

Version 1 was *very* accessible. With the roll-out of Version 2.01, though, appaccessibility has largely gone down the drain. The opening screen has many unlabeled buttons and links (mostly ads, I think) and while the Live stream comes up, it's a hit-or-miss process to get to the on-demand streams (now called "podcasts") and while the player controls are accessible -- at least after hitting the Radio Control button -- it's a pain to select which on-demand podcast one wishes to hear because the display keeps changing. I no longer deem this app accessible. Wish there were a Happy Hunting Ground for old versions of apps; I'd get the old version.
After doing some looking around with this app. It does have some issues with it. Now when you open the CBS Radio up. It will begin playing an video ad. So basically it goes in to a landscape mode. From what I can tell you have to watch the ad first. So holding the device in a landscape position with the Home button to the right. The bottom right will get you out of the ad page. Now you are place once again in another ad page. Now it is in portrait mode. So with the Home button towards the bottom. You will need to double tap the button in the top right. This will place you in to the actual CBS Radio app. Most of the buttons and the navigation do work rather well. The refreshing can be bothersome. So I must admit this is something I wouldn't be using everyday. Really a crying shame. Otherwise, it is doable if you are willing to tolerate it.