Scout Legend


Description of App

Scout Legend is a game for people who enjoy the world of scouting, hiking, fishing, camping and scout uniform dress-up and would like to have fun playing together and unite into scout units.

To start you need to choose a character to play, then make your scout eat every day so you never get hungry and keep your energy level at 30. You earn points for eating if you eat at least one hour after the previous eating. Another way to earn points is by Scout Actions.

There are many choices of camping food and Scout Actions to choose from. Eat everyday to make sure your scout is not hungry, mad or sick. This is the goal of Scout Legend.

Another goal is to purchase all clothes, shoes and hats options so you would be able to change costumes and looks and share it.

Yet another goal of the game is to earn enough points and purchase all available items for all the scenes including the Camp, the Tent and the Beach and all items for the Backpack.

When any of the scenes (Backpack, Tent, Camp, Beach) is fully completed another Game Center achievement would be reached.

When the player clicks on the yellow coin - the new screen is opened with the options to purchase game points for faster progress through the game. The current game score will be updated with purchased points amount. In addition ads will not be displayed in the game.

The game is accessible for visually impaired and blind people (VoiceOver).



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Like the app description says, the app is fully accessible with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This app is made by x2line, the same developers of Baby Adopter, Baby Adopter Holidays, Milky Baby, etc.
I would like to thank the developers for making this app accessible with VoiceOver.


2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by tunmi13 2 years 1 month ago



By Ornella on Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 20:39

I had most of the games from x2line for a while and got bored because there was no point really. That's my view. When you buy the items you can't use them and when the rooms are complete you still can't do anything. The only game that I really kept was orange tree and then after a long time I deleted it. I wish that their games had more of a challenge and more things to do.

By tunmi13 on Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 20:39

In reply to by Ornella

I totally understand.
In my opinion though, it's pretty awesome to know that at least the app is accessible.
They are easy to use, and if you have a minute to waste you just open the app, take care of the person or baby or girl or whatever, and close it out.

By Paige on Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 20:39

Yeah, I agree with both of you. It's nice that they made the app accessible, but it really does get kind of boring. I wish the care actions were more in depth, like if you clicked on fly kite you would go into a pop-up menu and you'd have to click a button and hold it to make the kite fly. And maybe if the rooms were all finished a new feature could be unlocked. It has really good potential, though.