Idle Iktah


Description of App

Idle Iktah is an incremental game set in a fictionalized Pacific Northwest where you start from nothing and create your own path to success. Level up, complete quests, and gain powerful rewards as you dive deeper into this hand-crafted adventure.



Free or Paid

Free With In-App Purchase

Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

the app works really well with voiceover, the developer was so kind to implement all suggestions and will keep improving voiceover support

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

this game has months of content available, it is in development for a while, so there's a storyline, new mechanics that unlock as you explore more and gain level in other skills.
in the tutorial, when you have to craft the bag to start, you will get help to craft the huge bag instead of the small one. this seem to have confused a few people. you'll notice that it won't say any number after saying huge bag. just double tap it to craft and proceed. to find it double tap the switch activity spot button.


12 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by matheus rheine 1 month 2 weeks ago



By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I am still figuring out some stuff, but, so far, the game seems to be interesting.
I will continue playing.

By dark on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'm definitely liking the look of this one.
The interface takes a bit of learning, and the tutorial bag thing is confusing, but once you've got around this, this is a nice one indeed if you like crafting and relaxed games.

By Adaria on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Really enjoying this one as well. I have to figure out how to make an axe head for example, but I'm enjoying it so far. I wish that progress would go across the cloud rather than save file things you need to import, but it is fun. I love that it is so chill.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'd highly recommend emailing the dev with any changes you'd like to ssee.

The email is

By dark on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I am liking the game but there are a few parts where access is a problem, and unfortunately some of these are causing major issues.
The first, is moving items to multiple bags, since the longer you play, the more item stacks you have, and I've not managed to get the item dragging to work.

this means the game is getting a bit frustrating at the moment, since I'm having to constantly delete items that I cannot sell just to make room in my inventory.

I might well email the dev about this.

The seconde more miner issue is that the homestead screen is really weird! with lots of labels that it's not clear where to click on.

for example, at the top it says "elder wood lodge", even though I've just built a red fir hut.

This is less of a major problem than the drag and drop issue, but is still minerly odd.

the last is I really don't get how the game works with the hunters and bear. I believe it's a version of fox and geese, but I'm not sure, then again, one minigame which isn't quite accessible isn't such a bad thing, and I'll freely admit I'm not the best person at playing spacial games like chess without a physical board anyway.

Then again, the rest of Idle Iktah has been fantastic. It might be nice to have a few more indications, say when potions run out, and I'm not yet sure how the different combat skills relate to the enemy's stats, but the game in general is great, it's just the inventory problem which is a miner pest.

By Exodia on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I am stuck on the part where Cora says, I’ll help you make this one, don’t worry about not being skilled enough. How long does it take to make the bag? I really think there should be time indicators so that way you know exactly when to check back on something.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

It's not a time thing.

You need to go to the crafting screen, tap on change selected crafting type, then flick right, you'll hear either containers, juliry or tools, you need to keep tapping on the button then flicking right until you hear containers.

Now, tap on change crafting type, then flick/touch around until you hear things like small bag, 5, flick to the right until you hear huge bag, there should be no number next to it, tap it and the tutorial should continue.

I do agree that it's complicated and i think people should email the dev about this stuff.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'd highly recommend emailing the dev and explaining your issues because yes I completely agree, having tonnnes of stuff in your inventory that you can't actually sell is pointless, it just sits there to upgrade your levels.

By Ornella on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I just got this game and I also find it difficult. sometimes when tapping on a button nothing happens or the screen gets jumbled and you have to swipe back and forth to see what's on. I don't know if i'm supposed to craft the bag it said i'm supposed to craft tools unless if i skipped some of the tutorial somewhere.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'd recommend emailing the dev but I wrote a comment about the bag.

It's a bit tricky but once you get used to it it should be ok.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Does anyone know how to equip cores to weapons?

By Ornella on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I tried the trick with the bag but it didn't work for me. I don't know if I skipped the entire tutorial but that don't matter anyway. I will check back with the game in a few months or so. I find it frustrating to play so I got rid of it.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

It's quite fidddly for now.

hopefully things can improve in the future.

By dark on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

The tutorial is actually fully accessible, it's just understanding the interface, which is the same for pretty much all activities.

~First, tap on "crafting types", you can choose, containers, tools or jewellery.
For the bag you need to choose containers.

Now, tap on "switch activity spot."

It's laid out like this because when you're doing things like fishing or gathering, you actually can change location with this button, but for crafting it is a wee bit confusing.

This opens a a list in the middle of the screen of all of the stuff you can craft.
Anything with a number beside it means you need to be that level to craft it, so when it says: "small bag 5", you need to have crafting level 5 to make the small bag.

You will notice that in the tutorial "huge bag", has no number, because you are able to just make one as standard, so double tap on huge bag.

Then find the "start activity" button down the bottom and double tap it.

I don't know how much the bear and hunters game plays a part in things over all, it looks like just a short minigame, for me the only really huge accessibility issue is the inability to switch items between different containers, and I've dropped the developer an email about that, so hopefully it'll be fixed, since having to throw items away really is a pain!

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I don't really care about it much but I think completing them gives you xp but I'm not sure.

By Ornella on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I tried all of that. When I tap on switch activity type I saw nothing about a bag. I will still give it a few weeks or months given how long they take to fix the issues. But I will still come on here and read and check for updates. I did switch to containers and change activity spot then when I swiped down, I saw some stuff in my inventory. Next to that I saw shop, settings and more settings. Nothing else after that.

By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

As a matter of fact, right now, I have two bags. A large bag and a small one.
I wish I was able to play the bear game.
I hope the developer can make it more accessible.

By Ana Jacob on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Hi all.

A new beta version of the app just dropped and I already see some great improvements. Go ahead and grab the beta if you want them now, otherwise hang tight and it’ll be in the App Store before too long.

The biggest improvement is better button labeling. Looks like we have a dev who really cares about accessibility. This game looks awesome

By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

How do I get the beta?
I really like this game.

By dark on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I haven't had an email back from the dev, but I wonder if the issue I mentioned with moving inventory items between bags is already fixed in the beta?

if so, let me know and I'll be glad to sign up to it myself, even if I have to restart .

By Ana Jacob on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I’m only now getting to where I need to craft a second bag so I haven’t gotten that far yet.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

i'm very impressed with this update.

As far as I can tell, all crafting/doing screens are a lot easier to understand, not only that but voiceover tells you when your inventory is full, it also tells you when you've leveld up. Oh! And the Gernal actualy has complete next to each quest you've completed.

Over all, I'm very very impressed with this update.

By Ornella on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Finally I got to craft the huge bag. So glad they updated and I will be playing and hope I like it. I like idle games but I have a theme not just any kind. This one is nice so far.

By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Thank you so much for posting the beta link.
I've already started testing this great game.
I just hope that the "fair game" can be made more accessible.
Oh, by the way, I am not able to drag items from one bag to the other yet.
Hope this can be possible soon.

By Blue on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

The developer just said on Discord that the drag and drop bug should be fixed in the next beta update

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

This guy just keeps impressing me more and more.

I'm giving him some money once I feel all the bugs are fixed. I think i'll mention a donation button to him, I honestly think he deserves it.

By Ornella on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Is there a limit to the inventory or can I just gather a lot of stuff for use at a later time? I only did one quest so far.

By dark on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I am really liking the changes in the beta version. Also the developer did get back to me regarding the drag and drop issue for moving items between storage containers.
the accessibility work here really is impressive. I've already bought the no adds upgrade, but I have half a mind to buy something else, just to support the developers, also obviously the game is fun, even if I do have to throw items away :D.

By SplendidFault on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'm planning to purchase the option that removes the ads once I'm completely satisfied with the blind-friendliness of the game. It promises to provide excellent replayability value.

By the way, has anyone figured out how to build the house? I believe owning a house would greatly solve our inventory limitations.

By Nolly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Yes there is a limit to your inventory depending on the number of bags you have equipped and their type/size. Your current capacity is shown at the top of the inventory page showing the number of slots used and slots available for the bag you are currently viewing. The maximum number of bags you can hold on your character appears to be four. If you have four bags and obtain a bag that has a larger capacity than one of your currently equipped bags, equipping the new bag will automatically swap it out for your lower capacity bag, automatically moving all items.

Houses can be built via the carpentry skill under the building creation pane. The materials for the first hut you can create are also created using carpentry under the building pane.

By Adaria on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

There is a feedback channel on the discord and I've been offering suggestions. There are still a lot of unlabelled things that need work, but they are open and receptive to fixing them. THe Beta is great. Also, there is a way to max out selling a bunch of stuff to th etrader. It is the second unlabelled button usually, it may say something about a moon, if you look back at the info before the Cancel Trade or Confirm Trade parts it will say +1 or +number, if you did this right the +1 will now be a much larger number, which is how many rare shells you'll be getting for all the stuff. There are ways to incrimentally sell stuff per rare shell amount, so if something costs 0.004 rare shells, you will sell a stack equal to 1 rare shell but can sell as much as you have to that even number if that makes sense. I may try and put something together for this but its not terribly hard. I'm still early game but this is very exciting. Also, item rarity will be addressed where we can actually see what the rarity of an item is in future.

By Nolly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

It's first important to know when playing the game that different versions of IOS may present different labels.

To trade your goods you must first click the "Switch between buying and selling button to have it show your items. From there you can double tap on the good or goods you wish to sell. Once you double tap on an item you now need to go to the very bottom of the screen where you are presented with the name of the item, number needed to receive a whole number of rare shells, cancel, confirm and then four additional options.The options from left to right are Up (maximum, Up (increase by 1), down (decrease by one), and down (minimum). It will always try to round up to a whole number of shells, so clicking up will not always mean increasing by one of your items to trade. If something is labeled "greyed out" it means you are either at the maximum or minimum or they simply cannot be pressed.

As I mentioned above it is very important to know that the elements are labeled differently depending on your version of IOS. For example IOS 16 will label the up and down options when able to be pressed as "Logo other", while IOS 17labels it as up and down when able to be pressed. There may very well be other devices out there with labels different from either of these as the description of "Up" and "down" is predicting the text, my best guess is it is a graphic of an arrow not a text label.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I figured it out after posting but this is still very useful.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

If you want to know what the buildings/roads do in the community centre tap on the percentage, for example, 10 percent for the Inn, tap on that then you can read what will happen when you build them.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Can someone explain what training others does? I understand it gives you a bit of XP but that's about it.

OH BTW, I got a pet ;) Does petting it do anything?

By Firefly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

So I’ve been doing the combat quest. I defeated the spider, with the copper dagger, but then it says cooked bluegill zero of one. I’ve already done the fishing, quest and cooked bluegill, so I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do there. But the comeback quest keeps being grayed out. All in all, though, I love the game! Still haven’t managed to craft a cattail basket yet.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

You need to follow the instructions to the letter, if it tells you to go to the equipment tab and equip food, you need to do it that way.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

If you want to heal fast, go to the combat screen and tap on your food, you'll eat it, keep tapping until it says health is full, voiceover does cut itself off but you'll know the diffirence.

By DrummerGuy on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

At the moment, this game and Farm RPG are my favorite.
The developer is doing such an excellent job making Idle Iktah accessible.
I definitely recommend this game.

By Firefly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Yes i ate the food before the battle

By Firefly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Never mind. I got it to work.

By Brad on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

I'm glad.

By Firefly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

Right now I’m in the process of Smithing a couple of swords, I figure I’ll take the ones I don’t need and sell them for shells, or whatever they’re called, though, I’m not sure what roll shells have in the game, I can’t wait to start building huts and houses and roads and lodges and things. I also like the fact that this game takes place in somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, since that is where my wife and I are hoping to move eventually.

By Zoe Victoria on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

How do you make the copper bar into a dagger? I can't figure out where you do that.

By Nolly on Monday, November 20, 2023 - 19:44

On the smithing pane you need to locate the switch smithing recipe button next to the start smithing button. Pressing this will open a list of the items you can create depending on the type of bar you have selected, however as you most likely only have copper available it should automatically bring up all of the copper items. The dagger should be the second option from the top of the list just under copper bar.

I've found that there is a rare time when you need to click the switch recipe button more than once for the list to show up or you need to tap on the screen rather than swiping to first view the list.