Accessible Othello


Description of App

A strategy game whose objective is to conquer the board with the majority of discs of your colour.

Place your discs with their colour facing up surrounding your opponent’s discs.

When your opponent’s discs are trapped ( or outflanked ) between your coloured discs they turn upside-down and change colour.

The winner is the player who has more discs of his/her color than his/her opponent at the end of the game.

Play with the championship rules or in a simplified mode.

3 levels of difficulty are included to play against your Apple mobile device.

Learn how to play with the tutorial.

Play with your friends in Game Center.


The different squares of the board are assigned letters from A to H for the columns, and numbers from 1 to 8 for the rows.

Each player is assigned a colour.

The game begins with four discs of each color placed on a diagonal in the middle of the board.

Players must make valid moves on their turn. However, if you cannot make your move on your turn, you will lose it and your opponent moves again.

We refer to a legal move in ‘championship mode’ when the player places a disc outflanking one or more discs of the opposite color. As a result, those discs
flip to your color.

We refer to a legal move in ‘simplified mode’ when the player places a disc in a square contiguous to another one containing a disc, with the possibility
of not having to flip the opponent’s discs to consider this move valid.

By making a valid move the discs which have been outflanked by a disc of an opposite color are flipped. We say that those discs lying on a straight line
( vertical, horizontal or diagonal ) are outflanked when they are enclosed by two of the opposite-colored disks.

The match ends when no more legal moves are possible ( usually when the board is completely filled ), so that the player who has more discs of his/her
color is the winner.

This application is compatible with VOICEOVER for iOS.
This application is compatible with ZOOM for iOS.
Deaf and hear impaired people can play this game.
This application does not require user registration or any additional payments.
iPhone, iPod touch and iPad compatibility.

Spanish and English languages supported.

*** Disclaimer ***

This application uses Game Center services which are created by Apple.
Game center services have their own user interface. Apple is responsible of these user interfaces.
Tyflos Accessible Software is not responsible for the design and the proper functioning of the Game Center service.
Please, contact Apple if you find any accessibility or functioning problem about Game Center.




Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

No problems detected so far

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



4 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Jose María Ortiz Silva 10 years 9 months ago



By Maya on Friday, February 21, 2014 - 18:05

Hello all, is it possible to play this game online with other players? Thanks.

By Kelly on Friday, February 21, 2014 - 18:05

The game pieces on the board are called negra and blanca, rather than black and white. Everywhere else throughout the game colors are referred to as black and white. Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone know how to fix it?

By Jonathan Chacón on Friday, February 21, 2014 - 18:05

Hello, we are working on adding GameCenter support for this game. The bug about wrong names for cells is found and it will be fixed in the next version 1.1. The next version will be sent to Apple next sunday. I hope it will be available soon.

By Clare Page on Friday, February 21, 2014 - 18:05

Hi! I bought Accessible Othello yesterday, and I love it. At first I wasn't totally sure what I was doing, as I had never played Othello before and there were no instructions within the game itself so I had to remember the game rules from the app store description, but I had a short conversation on Twitter with the developers yesterday and they said that the rules should be added to the main menu of the game in a future version. In the meantime, I managed to win a couple of games by trial and error, but, now that I know better what I'm doing, I hope to win more: I admit I've only played the easy level so far, though.

By Igor on Friday, February 21, 2014 - 18:05

Have anyone noticed, there is a bug in this game, for some reasons sometimes it talks in english, sometimes in spanish. The language in my iPhone is set to english/US, however colors of discs are spoken in spanish. I don't know spanish, however I belive, instad of blak it says "Negro" instead of white it says "Blanka" or something like that. All other messages and controls are in english. At some point it also was saysing "empty" in spanish for empty fields, however then somehow it switched to english and started to say "Empty"

By Jonathan Chacón on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 18:05

Hello. Accessible othello 1.1 is available in the AppStore with bug fixes and a tutorial to learn how to play.

By Brooke on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 18:05

Thanks so much for this update; I'm having much better luck with the game now that everything is in English.

By Clare Page on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 18:05

Much as I enjoyed the first version of Accessible Othello when it was released, version 1.1 has made the game even better, in my opinion. Not only is the whole game in English now, a big advantage for us English-speaking IOS users, but I am particularly thankful for the tutorial, which I went through last night: now I have a much better idea of what I should do in the game, in fact I won a game straight away after going through the tutorial. I'm still not yet brave enough to try the medium or hard modes in the IOS game, since I didn't know a thing about playing Othello a few weeks ago before getting this app, but I'll certainly try to increase my number of wins in easy mode in the near future, then perhaps later I'll play a harder mode when I'm even more confident about playing this game.

By Kirstan on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 18:05

I have absolutely no complaints but just wanted to say how very much I am loving this game! I am on the easy level and am not very good at it yet, but boy it is such fun to play! Thanks to the developer of this game, I just love it and hope others enjoy it as much as me!

By Raul on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 - 18:05

What's New in Version 2.0

Game Center support, new graphics for the board and more bug fixes