assistEyes GIF - Reaction GIFs for the Blind


Description of App

Hey! My name is Nick, and I'm legally blind. If you're like me, you've noticed that most people love sending hilarious GIFs to eachother all the time, and you find yourself feeling like you want to do the same. But you can't, because none of the GIF apps out there work with VoiceOver, so while you can randomly choose a GIF for some given hashtag or meme, you have no clue what content you're sending.

I built this app for myself, but I think you'll love it too.

assistEyes GIF is the first GIF app built specifically for the blind and visually impaired. Browse thousands of GIFs by hashtag or search, choose one, and send or copy it via standard iOS share sheet. And of course, they all include descriptive tags that are exposed to VoiceOver. What's more, you can also access the same fully accessible GIF library directly inside the iOS Messages app via the included iMessage app.

Your sighted friends and family will be communicating via visual elements more and more and emoji, stickers, and GIFs are here to stay. I'll do my best to keep making software that helps people like you and I partake in the fun. Check out assistEyes GIF and drop a review or send me an e-mail to let me know what you think.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is quite accessible via VoiceOver. It includes a ton of GIFs that have pretty descriptive tags and it can be used via a regular app or as an iMessages app. In both cases, all content, navigation, and buttons are clearly labeled for VO. It is a bit more difficult to use in iMessage, as that app is somewhat cumbersome with VO, but hopefully that gets better with the next version of iOS Overall very accessible app.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


6 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Kelly 1 year 5 months ago



By Karina Velazquez on Monday, July 24, 2023 - 13:47

Hi, i have noticed that on the US people use to send more messages with iMessage rather than with whatsapp but here in latinamerica people use more whatsaap, so I'm wondering if I would be available to use this app somehow with whatsapp.

Thanks in advance and nice job.