Description of App
Fractions are everywhere and the Fraction Calculator is designed to ease the task of working with fractions with its simple and intuitive calculator style interface.
The Fraction Calculator feels and behaves exactly like a calculator with one exception, you're working with fractions. So now when homework (checking of course) calls for fractions, or your carpentry project needs you to add eighths and sixteenths dozens of times, or maybe you just want to be able to recalculate that dinner recipe to accommodate for five rather than two – turn to the Fraction Calculator.
Fraction Calculator allows for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing both positive and negative fractions, displaying the results both as a fraction and a decimal. There are also functions to allow for simplifying, reciprocals, squares and square roots.
Fraction Calculator is fully VoiceOver accessible.
Accessibility Comments
Once you have familiarized yourself with the layout, this is an extremely accessible app.
To help get you started, there are 3 keypads on the screen - the one on the left is used to enter the whole number, whilst the 2 on the right are used to enter the top and bottom numbers of the fraction.