Audiobooks Now Audio Books


Description of App

If you love listening to audio books and saving money, this app is for you.

Audiobooks Now is the premier download and streaming service for audiobooks. We offer deeply discounted audiobooks that can be streamed or downloaded to your mobile device. Our free Audiobooks Now App for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch allows you to stream or download your audiobook library from our website.

App Features:

- Browse
- Search
- Filter / Sort
- Sign Up
- Purchase
- Download
- Auto Bookmarks
- Rate Audiobooks
- Auto Incoming Call Pause
- No data or WiFi connection required after audiobooks are downloaded
- Sync audiobooks and bookmarks across multiple devices
- Jump forward or back 30 seconds buttons
- Ability to skip around within track list
- Manage Audiobook Library
- Manage Account
- Contact Support
- Help

The Audiobooks Now Apple iOS app allows you to easily explore our extensive catalog of audio books. The streamlined, responsive interface will help your find, purchase and listen to audio books in no time. Our unique auto bookmarking software will make sure your audio book always picks up where you left off, even if you listen to an audio book on the way to work through the app, than stream the audio book through our website at work. Once your audio books are downloaded, there is no more need for a data connection. The app will allow you to play downloaded audio books on the go without a WiFi or data connection.

There are many ways to enjoy audible spoken word audio books. Whether you're on a road trip or long commute, working out, or simply doing chores around the house, audio books are the perfect way to enjoy great books anytime, anywhere.

Audiobooks Now is proud to be an American Company



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Some of the button labelling is a bit strange, but it's not hard to figure out what they should be. I haven't used this app extensively, but browsing, downloading and playing books all seems totally accessible. The website is accessible too although there are a few quirks.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

If you are willing to pay for audio books, this looks like aquite a good app to play and download content from


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Maria 9 years 6 months ago
